Previously when the SOA server experienced a downtime during absence submission, the application wouldn’t generate an approval notification for the submitted absence. But with this feature, the application registers a severe server error in the log file and continues the approval process by generating an absence notification for the manager or approver. This removes all orphan records for absence transactions with attachments that are in Awaiting Approval status when the server goes down. By sending an absence notification irrespective of the server status, it eliminates the need to re-enter the absence.
The new enhanced absence approval process now generates an absence approval notification for the manager to approve even if the SOA server goes down mid process.
This is a new feature in 23C, Absence Management. Unable to understand clearly the below statement .
This removes all orphan records for absence transactions with attachments that are in Awaiting Approval status when the server goes down.
Some one please explain me about this new feature. What exactly happen in the server after the notification sent.