I’m trying to invoke the HDL file from the WEBCENTER SERVER through SOAP services into the fusion instance Below one is the payload which I used : <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=”http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/” xmlns:ucm=”http://www.oracle.com/UCM”> <soapenv:Header> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <typ:importAndLoadData> <typ:ContentId>UCMFA04817652</typ:ContentId> <typ:Parameters>ImportMaximumErrors=100,LoadMaximumErrors=100,LoadConcurrentThreads=8,DeleteSourceFile=N</typ:Parameters> </typ:importAndLoadData> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> But I’m getting 404 ...Read more
Hi, We recently uploaded documents under document of record for all the employees. I intend to write a query to validate if the correct file is uploaded for all the 1600 employees but cannot seem to find the appropriate table name ...Read more
How to restrict document types by accessible only based upon roles . Example : Passport should be accessed only by employee not be any other
Hello – We have requirement to default the date field Currently, we need to select the calendar option, then chose a date and click ‘Ok’ We would like to reduce 3 clicks for user and default the date with current date.Read more
I configured the descriptive flexfield for assignment attribute. However, when I am going to the assignment page, it is not visible. Kindly help on how to check the created flexfield on the assignment page.